Checking in
Checking in
Hey guys!⠀
I wanted to touch on a few things quickly!⠀
This week has been difficult for everyone throughout the nation and worldwide. With so many uncertainties, it is not knowing how the next few weeks and months will go. I have decided to put the upcoming production of 50 mugs on hold for a few weeks.⠀ I realize that there isn't a lot of interest create the next set of 50 mugs given the state that we are in at the moment. ⠀
I am sure each of you feels anxious, not knowing what will happen. Thousand of people have lost their job due to this virus, and businesses are suffering and may not survive this pandemic. For us artists, it is difficult as well. However, I feel I can try to turn this downtime into something positive. What do you think?⠀
See out the next two pictures to find out what my plan is.